you can earn a lot of money from online. I hope you are aware of Onlineearning, This is a way where we earning money using our sites or blog.Online earning is very easy and simple.
Way for Online Earning
- Sites or Blog
- YouTube Channel
- Affiliate Program
Sites or Blog
Sites crating is a difficult but blogger is very simple it is provided by Google. It's free for all people.
After creation of sites or blog add you sites or blog to Google Adsense.
YouTube Channel
You Tube is a simple and very easy way to earn money from Online.Here you upload your video and earn money form YouTube.
Steps to Earn Money from YouTube
Create a YouTube Channel- Get Google Adsense account
- Upload your video
- put ads on your video
Affiliates Programs
After Adsense Affiliates programs is a great way of online earning from your sites or blogs, But what is Affiliates programs ? Affiliates programs is provides by different-different sites which are involves in sell and purchase products, How we can earn money from this programs ? we just join these programs and display their ads on our webpage or blog, if any product is purchases from our sites then we got some commissions.
Here, I am show you my commission after purchasing one product
Here, I am show you my commission after purchasing one product
Using Facebook also we can earn money just create Facebook page andadvertise any product But here you can put affiliate banners. On Facebook you can't show direct ads you need a Facebook page.
Transfer Online earn money in Your Account
After create a platform for online earning a main task to transfer your earn money in your own Bank Account, For this PayPal is a site which is transfer your earn money in your Bank Account.
What is PayPal ID
Steps To Create PayPal Account
- Sign Up on PayPal
- Verify your email id, They send a mail on your email id just click on that.
- verify your Bank account, They send two few amount in your Bankaccount that amount fill on PayPal for verify Bank account.
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